We have all heard the phrase, “it takes a village” when people discuss
raising children. We all readily accept that moms and dads take on different
roles in parenting, and turn to others for help when needed. It is not uncommon
that one parent is responsible for school work and another parent is responsible
for extracurricular activities. It is also pretty common that parents use the
help of others (grandparents, nannies, child care, friends) to help them with
their children’s needs simply due to everybody’s busy lives.
That same type of “division of labor” occurs in nearly every household. The
spouse who is good with numbers pays the bills and takes care of the taxes. The
spouse who is handy, takes care of household repairs. When other help is needed
the spouses do not think twice about hiring the right person for the job – of
course, based on the skill level that person brings to the project.
Yet, when it comes time to divorce, many people forget about “their
village”. Too many times, a spouse turns to his divorce lawyer and wants the
lawyer to “handle everything” even if that will not provide the spouse with the
help he needs in order to resolve all of his legal issues while moving forward
with his “new” life.
Collaborative Divorce and Collaborative Mediation help spouses use “their
village” to create a peaceful and respectful resolution of their family issues.
For example, clients are encouraged to use the services of a financial neutral
to assist in the gathering of financial information, and helping the
“non-numbers” spouse understand the family’s financial picture. This is
tremendously helpful for the parties in reaching their agreements that are in
the best interest of the entire family.
Another “village member” can be a child specialist. The child specialist
helps separating parents get information regarding their children, both based on
information from the children, and the children’s developmental stages, and can
work with the parents to help understand what the children – and – parents need
in creating post-separation lives.
Other jointly-hired “specialists” or “village members” can be used to address
the unique needs of every family. Arizona Collaborative Colleagues does not
mandate a “one size fits all village”. After all, the “village” we all started
with was based on our own family’s needs, talents, and desires. Why should we
sell ourselves, and our families, short in making some of the most important
decisions of our lives without utilizing professionals with the skill to help
us? After all, “it takes a village”.
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